Your Impact
The impact of a donation is far bigger than any statistic.
Your donation and your kindness reaches all over the province. It touches our neighbours, our friends and our loved ones—those who face cancer today or later down the road.

The Alberta Cancer Foundation exists to create more hope and more moments for all Albertans facing cancer, no matter where they live or the type of cancer they are facing.
We surround patients and their families with love and support, while empowering the best and brightest to tackle the most difficult, challenging problems we face. As a single community of committed, passionate Albertans focused on a single goal, we are relentless in our pursuit of bringing the best cancer care and research possible to our province.
By donating to the Alberta Cancer Foundation, you are helping to drive significant advancements in how we detect, diagnose, treat and care for cancer, while ensuring those with cancer today have the best experience possible.
We are grateful to have been able to capture and share some of these stories through a variety of engaging platforms.
Report to our community.
The effects of your actions go further than you could ever possibly imagine. The cancer effect is the theme of our 2023 Report to our Community.
Leap magazine.
Leap magazine is the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s biannual publication that demonstrates how, in partnership with the brightest minds in health care, we are making a difference for Albertans, and their families, facing cancer.
We are privileged to tell people’s stories. Patients, researchers, family members, Albertans.
Donate now.
When you donate to the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s More Hope Movement, you ensure Albertans facing cancer have access to the support they need and the very latest treatments, now and in the future.