During the postal disruption, you can still make a difference this holiday season by donating online or phoning us at 1-866-412-4222. Rest assured, your online donations are secure. You can also e-transfer your donations, please call us or email acfonline@albertacancer.ca for instructions. Your gift will have an immediate impact, creating more moments for Albertans facing cancer.
Join the More Hope Movement.
Ensure Albertans facing cancer have access to the support they need and the very latest treatments, now and in the future.

We are a light in the darkness.
The Alberta Cancer Foundation acts as a beacon of hope by empowering and uniting Albertans around a common purpose, investing in the future of cancer research and care, and ensuring no Albertan facing cancer walks alone. Together, we create more moments for more Albertans.
Donate now.

More Hope Movement
More Hope Movement
Research and clinical trials
Research and clinical trials
Patient experience
Patient experience
Alberta’s cancer centres
Alberta’s cancer centres
More Hope Movement
More Hope Movement
Research and clinical trials
Research and clinical trials
Patient experience
Patient experience
Alberta’s cancer centres
Alberta’s cancer centres
Get involved.
Make a donation.
Whether you donate as a business, leave a gift in your will, make a one-time donation to our More Hope Movement or become a monthly donor, you are making a difference for Albertans facing cancer.
Fundraise or participate.
Start your own fundraising page or participate in an existing event like the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer to raise funds in support of innovation in research, treatment and care across Alberta.
Purchase a Lottery ticket.
When you purchase a Cash and Cars Lottery (soon to be the Alberta Cancer Foundation Lottery) ticket, you are supporting leading edge research and care right here in our backyard at all cancer centres in Alberta.