Alberta Cancer Foundation

Ways To Give

Join the More Hope Movement.

When you donate to the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s More Hope Movement, you ensure that Albertans facing cancer have the support they need and access to the latest treatments, now and in the future

Hope is the gift we give to those who will follow in our footsteps – it’s a light that eases their burden and gives them the strength to persevere. Join us in the More Hope Movement and help create a world where cancer is nothing but a distant memory.

Donate now.​

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Your Information

For tax receipting purposes, only one name should be entered. If this is a dedicated gift on behalf of multiple people, additional names can be included in the notification message for the tribute.

Additional Information
By clicking here, your tax receipt will be made out to the company as entered below.

Please search for an existing company before adding new.


Credit Card Information

Selecting this will suppress recognition of your donations to the Alberta Cancer Foundation from our Donor Wall and annual Report to the Community

If selected, please proceed to the Next Page to enter the tribute information

By making a donation, you agree to receive occasional emails from us, including updates on how your support is making a difference. You can update your preferences here.

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Tribute Information

If you would like us to notify a loved one on your behalf, please provide their contact information. Notification will take up to 7 business days.

If you would like us to notify this individual on your behalf, please provide their contact information. Notification will take up to 7 business days.

Is my donation secure?

Absolutely. The security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We use current industry standard security technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations. The Alberta Cancer Foundation does not trade, rent or sell donor names.

You could reduce taxes owed to CRA by making an eligible donations to a registered charity.

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) charitable donation info and elgibility. Details here.

PLEASE NOTE: In accordance with the regulations set out by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), official donation receipts can only be issued in the name of the individual or organization who is the true donor. Official donation receipts cannot be issued in the name of anyone but the true donor.

Therefore, gifts not eligible for charitable tax receipts may not be submitted electronically through this website. Ex. Group donations, event proceeds, ticket sales, etc. All donations are non-refundable. For more information on charities and the CRA please click here.

If your gift is not eligible for a charitable tax receipt, for instance if it’s a collection from multiple people, please fill out the donation form.

The Alberta Cancer Foundation is a registered charity incorporated in the province of Alberta. All donations are used to create more moments for Albertans facing cancer through investments in innovation and detection, treatment, and care.

This year’s Board Approved Budget reflects revenues of $68.7MM, at a cost of $19.7MM.

Our provincial office is located at 710, 10123 – 99 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5J 3H1. For more information, you can contact reception at 1-866-412-4222.

Other ways to give.