Alberta Cancer Foundation

Ways to Give

Make a major gift.

Help create more moments for Albertans facing cancer.

The Alberta Cancer Foundation is committed to funding innovation in research, treatment and care for Albertans facing cancer.

Thanks to donor support, we invested $27 million in research and programs last year alone. These dollars are hard at work making a big impact on the cancer landscape in our province and improving outcomes for the 24,000 Albertans who hear the words, “You have cancer” every year.

There’s more to do and we need your help.

Major gift donations – of $10,000 or more – have a profound and powerful impact. Our fundraising professionals can show you how you might consider structuring your gift, and work with you to ensure it delivers the impact you hope to achieve.

For example, a major gift may allow us to respond quickly when cutting edge research comes to light or when costly equipment must be replaced at each of the 17 cancer centres across the province. Such gifts could support patients whose cancer journey has put them in a financial bind, and others who have run out of all other treatment options and are turning to a clinical trial as a last resort, a last hope.

There are many options available. Each one will have a profound impact on Albertans facing cancer today and in the future.

To learn more about how you can help, please contact us at or call us Toll-free: 1-866-412-4222