The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed the world more than we could have ever imagined. Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, the Alberta Cancer Foundation can invest in promising research and programs that seek to ease the burden of COVID-19 for Albertans facing cancer. Here are some examples:

In 2020, Text4Hope, a free SMS-subscription service, helped thousands of subscribers develop healthy coping and resiliency skills in response to the global pandemic. The program sent out daily messages written by mental health therapists using cognitive behavioural therapy methods, easing Albertans’ cancer journey.
Healthy Eating and Active Living (HEAL-ME)

HEAL-ME is a virtual version of the Alberta Cancer Exercise Program. This free, group-based e-health program has rapidly responded to the wellness needs of Albertans facing cancer during COVID-19. With over 200 cancer-specific exercises and nutrition, physiotherapy and stress reduction modules, HEAL-ME delivers personalized programs to improve cancer-related symptoms and increase well-being.
Emergency Voucher Program

During the pandemic, some Albertans facing cancer have had to deal with sudden job loss and financial strain on top of their diagnosis. The Emergency Voucher Program is available at each cancer centre in the province, meaning immediate financial support is provided to patients in need of gas, groceries or assistance with travel to medical appointments.
Patient Financial Assistance Program (PFAP)

This program, fully funded by donors, is often an option of last resort for Albertans in need of financial support. Those who qualify receive assistance as they undergo treatment so they can focus on what matters most – healing. Last year, nearly 1,000 patients accessed this resource.
COVID-19 Biorepository

This biobank gives Alberta’s researchers local access to biological material, allowing them to take a deeper dive into COVID-19. Building a safe biorepository helps advance research to better understand COVID-19 and enables Alberta to better respond to future outbreaks.
Learn more about how you can support the Alberta Cancer Foundation at