Alberta Cancer Foundation

Calgary cleaning company provides helping hands to cancer patients

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hands_story01In a bid to relieve families of mounting household stress and duties, a Calgary cleaning company is offering free housekeeping services once a month to cancer patients.

Marriage Savers, a cleaning company founded seven years ago by Gloria Juarez, has partnered with Cleaning for a Reason, an international not-for-profit that offers free cleaning services to cancer patients across North America. Since Cleaning for a Reason began, it has helped more than 1,000 local cleaning companies provide in excess of $3 million worth of services.

Juarez jumped on board this winter, after hearing about the service via social media. “I started reading the stories and knew it was a very good idea,” she says, adding she wanted to give back to a community that helped her build her own company after moving to Canada from Argentina 11 years ago.

Marriage Savers offers four hours of cleaning each month, over a four month stretch. Cleaning for a Reason only provides the service currently to women undergoing cancer treatment, though Juarez says Marriage Savers is considering extending its goodwill beyond that.

“It’s very helpful, for these patients. I have even received emails from people who want to volunteer their time to clean,” says Juarez. “If you know someone undergoing cancer treatment, encourage them to apply. This is a service they really need when they go through chemotherapy and radiation.”


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