Alberta Cancer Foundation

As we come to the end of another year, it is a good time to take stock of what we have accomplished at the Alberta Cancer Foundation. It’s been a busy 12 months, one that started out with a joint announcement with the Government of Alberta to build a new, much-needed comprehensive cancer centre in Calgary. We are diligently working with our campaign committee to ensure we meet the $200 million we committed to this capital project.

We want all of our investments to be focused, have a clear line to patients and deliver transformational results.

We also continue to invest in research excellence, treatment and care across this province – many of those projects you will read about in this issue of Leap. Our cover story features Dr. Lynne Postovit, an ovarian cancer researcher our donors helped recruit to Edmonton from Ontario. Her ultimate goal is to get treatment options to the clinic faster than the current rate. She believes the research environment here in Alberta will allow that to happen. We do, too. Dr. Postovit’s arrival comes too late for Alberta Cancer Foundation donor, Mike Mort, who lost his wife to the disease. Yet, he invested in her research because as he says, for other people’s daughters, it’s important. Those are the donors we are privileged to work with every day and it is why we carefully consider the investments we make – to accelerate that progress Mike and others are looking for. We want all of our investments to be focused, have a clear line to patients and deliver transformational results.

You can read about some of those other important investments we made over the last year – a provincial palliative care program, a healing garden and an innovative machine that combines PET and MRI technology to deliver better imaging results. Thanks to our donors, we are redefining the future for Albertans facing cancer today.

One of the changes you will notice the most is our new brand. Throughout the magazine, you will see a fresh, bold visual identity that we think matches our bold vision. We are committed to making the Alberta Cancer Foundation one of the most innovative philanthropic organizations in Canada, so we need a dynamic look to reflect that goal.
As we head into a new year, we want to thank all of our partners working together to accelerate progress in this province. We look forward to reporting on even more results in 2014. Thank you for redefining the future for Albertans facing cancer. Happy holidays to you and your family.

Angela Boehm, Chair
Alberta Cancer Foundation

Myka Osinchuk, CEO
Alberta Cancer Foundation

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