Alberta Cancer Foundation

Help put the focus back on healing.

Gifts matched by AGAT Foundation

Our Patient Financial Assistance program provides invaluable support to Albertans facing cancer who can’t manage the unexpected, out-of-pocket costs associated with treatment.

“How can I possibly afford to be sick?”

That’s a question that hundreds of Albertans like Michael Kosterman have asked themselves after receiving a diagnosis. Because cancer doesn’t care if you can afford treatment or not. Your support means we can reach more communities and support more Albertans across our province, including rural and remote areas. And by easing the financial burden of cancer treatment, it means Albertans facing cancer can focus on what matters most: healing.

56 per cent

The number of rural patients that applied for support at an urban centre where they travelled to receive treatment.

$290 per month

The estimated out-of-pocket additional expenses related to cancer care and treatment.

573 Albertans

From 123 communities received financial support last year.

Help ease the financial burden on Albertans facing cancer with a gift that will be doubled! Until February 28, your donation will be MATCHED up to $200,000 making 2X the impact, thanks to a generous gift from the AGAT Foundation.

“The difference donors make is life-saving. For us, it meant that we could eat. It meant that my wife could travel to visit me in the hospital. It made all the difference, and I want to thank donors from the bottom of my heart.”

~ Michael Kosterman, Patient Financial Assistance Program Recipient

Thanks to our gift match sponsor.

AGAT Foundation Donations will be matched up to up to a total of $200,000 by the AGAT Foundation. This offer does not apply to donations for fundraising events.