Alberta Cancer Foundation

Why We Need You

Groundbreaking research.

Helping Albertans with cancer live longer, healthier lives.

Innovative cancer research is happening all over Alberta and it’s helping us better understand cancer — how to reduce the risk of developing the disease, detect it earlier, develop more effective treatments, and improve the quality of life for patients.

Every year, more than 1,000 Albertans participate in cancer-focused research trials — trials with benefits that ultimately help hundreds of thousands of other patients, in our province and around the world. Other research initiatives, such as Alberta’s Tomorrow Project — an expansive and collaborative health research study on the causes and preventative methods of cancer — will see thousands more patients’ lives transformed thanks to research. Cancer research in Alberta has already led to many incredible advancements in our quest to change the course of cancer. These include earlier detection of breast cancer, more personalized and effective treatments through precision oncology, lives extended through CAR T-cell therapy, and countless other novel treatments and discoveries that are significantly improving survival rates of those facing the disease. But our work is not done.

Lifesaving discoveries start with your generosity.

In 2023, the Alberta Cancer Foundation invested over $18 million into cancer research in Alberta. By making a gift to the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s More Hope Movement, you are funding innovation in detection treatment and care that supports the brightest minds in medical research move discoveries from the lab directly to patients quicker than ever before. Your support is changing the way we prevent, detect and treat cancer and creating more “made-in-Alberta” solutions to the disease.
Dr. Michael Chu

Clinical trials.

Every year, more than 24,000 Albertans are diagnosed with cancer. It’s a complex disease and more treatment options with better outcomes are needed. Clinical trials are research studies that provide patients with access to leading-edge therapeutics while enabling researchers to fine-tune and expand current methods of preventing, detecting and treating cancer (such as surgery, radiotherapy and systemic therapies).

Alberta’s Tomorrow Project.

Every year, 24,000 Albertans face a life-altering cancer diagnosis. What if we could change that? What if, with the right knowledge and insight, we could prevent some forms of cancer, diagnose cases earlier, and improve the quality of life of people living with cancer in Alberta and beyond? The goal of Alberta’s Tomorrow Project is to do just that.

Donate now.

When you donate to the Alberta Cancer Foundation’s More Hope Movement, you ensure Albertans facing cancer have access to the support they need and the very latest treatments, now and in the future.