Alberta Cancer Foundation

Make 2X the impact for Albertans facing cancer.

Hope is what takes the power back from a disease that has taken so much, from so many.

It’s expected that more than 24,000 Albertans will be diagnosed with cancer in 2024. Sadly, one in five will not survive. These numbers represent real people—our family members, friends, neighbours, and fellow Albertans.

Hope in action!

Your support has made so much possible:
  • Albertans from 123 different communities received financial support from the Patient Financial Assistance Program.
  • 1,400 riders helped raised over $7.4 million in the Enbridge Tour Alberta for Cancer.
  • The state-of-the-art Arthur J.E. Child Comprehensive Cancer Centre opened in October and is now one of the largest of its kind in Canada.
  • More than 1,000 Albertans participated in hundreds of cancer-focused research trials.
  • 7,098 Albertans facing cancer received practical support through the Provincial Patient Navigation Program.*

Be a beacon of light in the darkness. Your gift will be MATCHED until December 31 up to $30,000, by Basecamp Resorts, making twice the impact on Albertans facing cancer.

Basecamp Resorts
Woman in a green shirt and white pants sitting on a bench near the entryway of a home with an indoor plant next to her.

“Your gift is about more than just supporting groundbreaking research, improved screening programs, innovative treatment options, and clinical trials. It’s also about putting some of the best and kindest people I’ve ever known in the path of those of us walking one of the hardest journeys ever.” 

~ Jocelyn Laidlaw, broadcast journalist and cancer survivor